Wichita Farm Insurance

Farm Insurance in Wichita

TIG is one of the largest farm and crop agents in south-central Kansas, which means we insure a lot of farms and thousands of cropland acres. We know a farmer’s day starts early and ends late with hard work in between. Let TIG insure your property, equipment, and crops and help make sure your work is rewarded and better protected.


Farm and ranch property and equipment coverage can include the farm personal property, including items like farm machinery, grain, livestock, and tools that are utilized in day-to-day farming operations. Most often, coverage is for very specific perils and situations. This coverage can also extend to buildings and structures not connected to the main dwelling or home.


Typically, liability covers medical expenses up to the limits in the policy for any persons who are on your premises with your permission and are accidentally injured. This coverage will generally extend to people accidentally injured by your activities as well. This coverage can also provide payment for legal liability up to the limits in the policy for damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by an accident.


Crop insurance is crucial. Essentially, there are two types of crop insurance. First, U.S. multi-peril crop insurance is a risk management tool that farmers and ranchers can purchase in order to help protect against the loss of crops due to natural disasters like hail storms, droughts, unexpected freezes, floods, fires, insect damage, disease, wildlife depredation, or the loss of revenue due to a decline in price. Crop insurance is federally supported, regulated, and sold by private-sector crop insurance companies and agents. In 2014, 1.2 million polices were sold protecting more than 120 different crops covering 295 million acres. That equals an area larger than Texas and California combined, with a total insured value of more than $110 billion.


Second, Crop-Hail policies, which are not part of the Federal Crop Insurance Program, can be sold by private insurers to farmers and are then regulated by individual state insurance departments. In areas of the country where hail is a frequent event, farmers often purchase a Crop-Hail policy to help protect high-yielding crops. This is because hail has the unique ability to totally destroy a significant part of a planted field while leaving the rest undamaged.


The Federal program came to be as a way to speed assistance to farmers when they need it most, while reducing the risk to taxpayers. Crop insurance now stands as the main risk management tool of farmers and ranchers all across the country.


Farm Coverages We Offer


Crop Insurance

Farm and Ranch Liability

Farm and Ranch Property & Equipment


Make sure your hard work is rewarded and protected. Let TIG insure your farm property, equipment and crops.